Sup world,
Took that picture above when i got home, a ray of hope huh? haha Like that picture.
It has been almost 2 weeks since May May have gone back home. Wow time do really moves slow, and bout 5 more weeks to go.
I have kinda gotten use to the fact that she will not have any time for me the next following 5 weeks too. I have to admit to the fact that we will not communicate for a couple of days via msn or voice.
NO point brooding about it,what can i do, fly to China and join the riots? haha i'm kidding if anyone is reading in China. So i just have to mark the calender on my handphone and just wait for her to come back.
Life must still go on for the next couple of weeks to come.
Anyway, today's Friday and it's rant day. A day about making noise or suggesting useless feedback to the people.
By now i guess, everyone should know that the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) games is coming and well they are all afraid that the turn out will be as bad as the Asian Youth Games.
To be honest, i too did not bother about the Asian games. No offense but I would rather watch the WWE (wrestling for those who don't know).
So the Youth Olympics? I predict a small increase to the number of people who will turn out. Should be more than 1 but less than 2.
haha ok that was lame..
So well not everybody is interested to watch China sweep all the gold medals again and Transformers was shown on the same week. SO many clashes and all.
The are even thinking of extending the poly holidays to force,yea you read correctly, FORCE!! students to support to YOG. See the seriousness now.
My suggestions? Implement new games that would put Singapore in the favor for winning. I know they might not implement them for the YOG but maybe the next Asian Youth Games.
They should implement games like, "Chasing the MRT".
This is something Singaporeans are good at. If you take the train every morning or during peak hours, you do notice passengers pulling an 'Indiana Jones'.
What's that? Thanks for asking imaginary guy 1. If you have seen the Indiana Jones movie, you would know the scene when the door is closing and he makes it under the door in the nick of time to get on the other side.
Yea, i hope u get the basic idea of what i am talking bout. They should get trained atlthes to rush for the closing door and see can make it in. The speed of the door closing will increase as the round continues and the winner will be determined by who can get in within the shortest period.
Another game would be, "NO Entry". This is how it is played.
Get the players to stand at a door, the objective, let as little through as possible for that amount of time.
It mirrors the daily rush hour in Singapore where the passengers would stand at the door and block everyone's way.
Haha these are just some ideas to get more people to watch the Games, like Ninja Warrior that's showing on channel 5 on Thursday at 8.30pm. There are more viewers for that show than for the Asian Youth Games and besides I'm sure we can get more gold medals for those games and we might actually meet our target of getting more gold medals.
That's my 2 cents on the issue. haha
Well i always wonder, would lucky make a good guard dog?
She's the size of a size 11 Nike Air Force One sneaker. However she is a feisty as a little tiger. Yea you should See the damaged she have done to our hands, haha.
Bottom line though, size do play a role in fighting crime. Verdict, all it needs is for the baddie to drop a Dictionary on her and bye bye doggie but who am i to say, she's a bitch after all and never under-estimate the power of bitch fits. She might have some super temper and might tear the baddie up.
Who knows.. haha she's still young and still loveable.
So here is the picture of the day of Lucky.
That's all i got today.
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