well it's Monday blues as usual and well i have no idea why i am so tired. Maybe from sleeping late watching The Prestige on channel Okto last night till pretty late. Yea i watched it a lot of times but it's one of my favourite shows.
May May's on FHM again(August issue), no i don't work for FHM, I'm happy May May's featured this month. Haha.
Well as i said she was asked(forced) to join this Shana thingy and well yea they featured her , Jojo and Chrishirl as the Shana girls.
Some of you might ask, you don't mind them showing portraying your girlfriend like that?
My answer, to an extend no. Well i do believe you only live once and if you have it flaunt it but don't overdo it and do things that will affect her morals and at the end of the day I know that she loves me.
Haha and yea i know May's hot and i allowed her to joined the FHM thingy with my mind prepared for the weirdos she might meet on the journey and yea she met a lot from fuck-tard photogrpahers to dirty midget FHM Editor,David. Yes you, you fucking drunk pervert.
Here's a picture of him..
yea guy seriously, he's that small. ( i don't want to put his real picture, will tarnish my blog)
Let me tell you guys something, this for future FHM GND(Girls Next Door) contestants boyfriend or girlfriend of what he did.
Well as you can See they are trying to milk as much as they can for this gals and well i don't blame them, they are hot but well i will share with you guys what happened.
It was during the FHM Club Crawl thing, it's an event where the gals have to hop from club to club to create awareness of the GND Competition.
Well my friends and i tagged along as the management was cool with it and yea we were able to access clubs for free and free booze.
Well great isn't it, yea it was till the extent the sponsor wanted to go as they said they have an important "meeting" to attend. So they dumped all 10 of the girls FHM postcards that they were supposed to distribute to me and my friends.
What was suppose to be a night of fun became a night of hard work.
I could have walked away or dumped the cards but think bout it..if i did not do it, the girls have to do it themselves and let me tell you, 2000 postcards ain't light. The other factor was that the sponsors know i'm May May's boyfriend and if i were to do that , just imagine what they will do to her if i did not helped.
SO yea sucked it up, rally my friends and we were unpaid workers of FHM.
The editor, David, you know the midget as shown in the picture above, wanted them to move around and mingle with the crowd. The gals did that and soon more perverts got out, I trust my May May as she knows her right from wrong and well i was just there to make sure if anything goes out of hand but that fucker midget David got drunk and was touching most of the gals, mine was not spare either.
He could have scolded the sponsor for leaving but he did not and ignore us and went to get drunk and took advantage of all the gals.
Woo yea you can imagine how Fuckin pissed i was and yea i dropped the bags i was carrying and tighten my grip to punch that midget but like any movies, May May stopped me as i was about to raise my fist and told me to chill.
I gotta thank her for that, otherwise i will get lots of hate mails from the MA (Midget Association). May May felt bad, i know but well he was just getting drunk and taken advantage of the girls he was supposed to look after.
Yea he treats them like meat and use them get horny sponsors to invest in the FHM GND next year. There was an article on the Sunday paper yesterday about such things like some guys treating model girls as objects to be taken advantage of and tools of desire,that article is true and well hot girls out there be careful and think before you act.
Well anyway not everyone in FHM is bad, take Laurent for example who was sort of the girls' manager, he was so apologetic after he heard of the issue of the sponsors leaving and all.
So the message to future contestants and bf or gf of them, look after your gal, go for all their event, protect them and well trust me,they want you there. Yea i was known as the "Sweetest Boyfriend" there. Ha ha
If your girl wants to join, let them, like i said above,you only live once and you won't be able to relive your youth and be more open minded. Haha yea you would not imagine the stuff i did in the Army or when i'm out having fun haha.
Just remember they love you and only you and your role is to protect them.
Wow, maybe i should start writing a book on this, i should pool other past FHM bf or gf to share their experiences haha and make sure nothing like this repeats.
Gotta get it off my chest and let the world know.
Anyway, May May , your pictures are hot and i love you.
OK time to shift gears,
today's Lucky 4th month birthday, yeahhh and well i heard she even have fans in China now. Worldwide now.
She's have grown a little since i first held her in my hands.

Here her at almost 4 months. See the difference.
Dogs do grow fast and well May May is making sure i capture every moment of her life.
So what's lucky gonna do to celebrate? I will bring her downstairs to chase a cat. HAHA well nothing actually, tomorrow she's going for some injection and all so well she needs to rest.
SO happy 4 months old Lucky!!
Well after writing that much, i know FHM won't hire me if they ever read my blog but hey there's Men's Health or Lime or whatever and i have nothing against small people.
I just want you people to know what goes on inside so well other girls won't get hurt in future.
that's all i have today.
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