Monday blues is here again.
Went for some casting thingy which i have not idea for but i'm just in it for the points. Maybe i could be casted to play a tree in a play or for some stripper. Haha
Ok, i'm sure by now most of you have know that SMRT is finally toughen-ing up the NO consument of food and drinks in the trains. Well if you don't know, they only took action after multiple complains were made by the commuter(as always).
So basically, as stated above, they have SMRT staff inspecting trains during certain hours to catch and fine people consuming food or drinks and people not following the rules.
However, they have missed some minor but important reasons to punish the commuters that also might affect the train journey.
Things like, people who stink on the train. Man it's really F**k up enough you are in a packed train but if you add a Stinko Supremo into the equation, man imagine the damage it will do to everyone. Like chemical warfare inside and the air only flows one direction in the carriage.
So i suggest they should crack down and punish people like them.
One more thing, people who play music out loud in the train. Here's the thing, who the F**k wants to listen to your music, we have our own MP3 players.
Have you noticed that every since we have been paying more for our fare, have you noticed the SMRT have changed their uniform more often. Now it's the maroon colour. Maybe that's the real reason why they are increasing the fare, to buy new uniforms
Haha okk that's my 2 cents on it, don't take it too seriously.
Anyway here's Lucky's Hour,
Some of you might have complain that Lucky does not have a variety of food (refer to cbox) and said she should have more choices to choose from.

So yea we bought her something new to eat. It's made up of chicken, potato and what not, that's good for dogs. Said to be one of the best sellers in the shop.
But here's what she did after eating a little bit of it...

She went to call Mac-Delivery.
Haha well she did not really like it and i don't think she fancy potato.
Well we will continue searching for her something she would like to eat.
That's all i got today.
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