it's been a fruitful day, learnt a lot today.
Well there's something i wanna talk about today(duh). Don't you guys or gals find it strange bout us Singaporeans.
There are 100 and 1 things to pin point bout us but i just wanna talk about this particular weird-ness for today.
If you do use the MRT often, you will notice the norms of the day, people rushing for trains , people tapping repeating-ly tapping their damaged or under value ez link cards and not to miss out everyone's favourite, people rushing into the trains and not allowing the passengers from going out.
That's what i'm gonna rant about today.
Why do they have to behave that way, did they developed a new fear of missing the train called 'MissTheTrain' phobia. WHy the F**K can't they give wayyyy.
These problems have been noted by the government themselves.
Their soultion? Call PCK(Phua Chu Kang) to save the day. Don't get me wrong, i love watching the show but apparently they are using him to solve every Singapore problem.
Back in 2005, during the SARS period. There was an outbreak,same as what is going on now, the government urging and educating every Singaporean to pratice good hygene and stay healthy but it did not work as the virus was still spreading like wild fire so the government used their last resort, to get PCK to rap about those issue called The Sar-vivor Rap. Here's the video if if have not seen it before.
The government realised that majority of the folks here don't listen to them but only listen to him.
Things like "Pratice good hygiene and wash your hands with soap often" but folks in Singapore prefer " Wash your hands with soap, at least got hope".
Well it worked and struck a tune with the heart-landers and soon everyone's still huming the tune today as the H1N1 virus is getting out of control.
SO back to present day, the government deemed it as a good move and decided to do the same this time except is bout kindness onthe train.
Well it does show case the sterotype people on board the train.
Progress so far, it seems to be working a little. People are slowly but surely giving way to one of another however it's still a long and rocky road ahead.
You have to realise at least the Singapore government is doing something bout this situation. I have taken the MRT of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, called the Monorail and it much much much worst there(no offense, i'm just blogging what i eperienced there).
If you have read bout the KL trip I blogged bout. The Monorail is in bad shape and is too smal. The People do not give way at all there. They don't even give you a chance to get out. May May and i have to plow our way through the crowd just to get out of here.
They don't have someone like PCK there to teach them to be nice.
SO we have to appreciate what PCK have done for us so far and besides i do sense the Swine-vivor Rap coming as the situation is getting worst day by day.
OKok, enough of my rants, it's Lucky hour now.
I'm sure you are curious bout Lucky's diet. What she eats and how she watch her diet.
SO here's for Lucky's followers.

We have tons--->

Yea we robbed the Dog food shop. Haha kidding, my mom bought it with CASHHHH.

OK so there you have it, Lucky's healthy diet and she only dines 2 times a day.
Well here's something else or a trival, i know when Lucky lies to me. Wanna noe how i know --->

HaHa. Wow, what big and long nose you have there Lucky. (man does it sound wrong in every way)
There you have it the picture of the day.
Ok some May May update, she's doing good back home and her dad brought her to the lake park her dad designed.Cool~~
I would upload pictures of it but she might kill me. Yea scary i know.
Glad to see she's doing good and still looking sexy.
That's all i got today, a pretty long post but well i just want the people to know how i feel on the situation.
That's all.
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