MAN, it's a slow moving Saturday, only going out later to meet the gals but there's nothing to watch on the telly. The afternoon movies are boringgg.
So i spent most of my time joining the HTC Magic competition for Nuffnang and playing this new game now. NOt the PS3 one, i'm putting that on hold for now but The Sims 3 on the PC.

For those who don't know what it is, it's a Simulation of life as you control this fully customisable character and bring him or her through his life from getting a job, house and even meeting your mate. Well the sex part are censored out but i heard there are hacks to remove the censor. Ha ha anyone ask, you did not read it from here.
If you just want to play the game for that part then i suggest u rather find some videos online haha *cough*porn*cough*
Back to topic, it really mirrors life and you play god controlling your character and you can determine his/her destiny from meeting his/her mate or killing the mate but the souls of who you kill will haunt your family and whacky things will happen.
I will upload some pictures of it when i have finished customising my house and i just got a girlfriend in game i mean.
The other thing is the Sims language. It sounds like me when i'm drunk and start talking. Jokes aside, it's a language that they've created.
Haha unique.
Well today's Saturday and it's Lucky Shower Day.

Here's the blow dryer blowing her away.
I'm watching House now, i love that show.
My buddy Mus, came across this parody video created by Niga Higa and here's the video.
Thanks Mus :)
Anyway that's all for now, will update more later.
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