Today is just HOT HOT HOT. Man our weather in Singapore is getting weirder every week, last week was cold and this week 's hot, signs of global warming or just weather mood swings. Haha ok ignore that.
Well have you all noticed that everything moves slowly on Tuesday. It's not a productive day. it's still far from the weekend and your mood just go 'splat' at times.
IF there's Monday blues, there's also Tuesday slow-mo day.
Anyway to get rid of that silly feeling, i stumbled on this website that really made my day. No, it's not porn or some cat playing the piano.
But it's a site that teaches you an interesting method of getting electricity. Ok stay with me here, it's not as boring as you think.
Here's the link...
Haha you must be think "what!? why is he blogging bout something so boring.. o.. wait hamsters?"
Yea thanks imaginary guy 1, yup it's how to generate electricity from a hamster.
We are always thinking of greener ways of getting electricity and seriously, we are running out of ideas and resources.
SO why not get it from 1 of the horniest animals in the world, yea they mate like crazy and in bulk and there's an over whelming number of them.
So why not?
I'm gonna select a few interesting point from the site.
"Kidnap and threaten to torture. Extort ransom from animal-rights activists and other anti-cruelty types: demand payment in the form of electric current."
haha that will work.
"Give them little magnetic collars, and run them through a maze of coiled wires."
yup, we can give that a shot.
"Ignite in large numbers. Use heat released to drive steam turbine. "
Lastly this will surely work.
Haha there are more in that site :)
FYI, i'm not an animal hater or anti- hamster it's just a joke.
OK Lucky hour,

Where did she go? Somebody dog-napped her?
haha nah, she off to see the doctor for her de-worming and micro-chip insertion.
Yea there she is, no i did not eat her ear, it some surgical tape to make to straighten her ear, cosmic improvement.
Well she look pissed off with that.
And yea it was only there for bout 4 minutes in the house and it dropped out.
You might think of Lucky of a drug addict until you see the meds she was given as shown below,
She was down with a cough. Well i have some cough syrup in the cupboard, i share it with her and we can both get high together. Ha ha then smoke some weed too at the same time.
Yea, just like a human being.
Haha they even tagged the syrup with her name on it.
Hm, wonder is it the same as the cough syrup we drink, will she get her drinking this, i will find out and let you all know soon.
Haha that's all i have today.
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