Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Blog

Hello one and all.

As you can see this blog is rather dead but fret not, it's not because I have lost interest in writing but rather, I am using a new blog site. I feel that I have outgrown this blog and well time to move on to a different style of writing and content. So redirect your attention to my new blog site! I will leave the link below.


I hope to see you there!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Are They All Linked?

Some of you must be wondering;

        'Why did I choose the Washing Machines as the background for my blog?'

Simple, as poetic as it may sound, it somewhat mirrors a person's life at a certain period of time. Before you think I am crazy, read on before you judge me. haha

In this scenario, our lives are represented by the clothes or materials inside the machine.

When washing machine start to operate,  it will first start up nice and easy, just like how we begin anything new in life. Be it a relationship, where everything is all nice and dandy. It's the " I can't let you go" period or be it starting a new job.

After the washing machine have warmed up, it will go all out all, spinning in rapid oscillations.

This is when life gets messy, relationship goes south, fights happen, you cannot stand the sight of your other half. Your life is in the whirlwind and sometimes, shit happened, thoughts like death seems like the only way out comes to mind.

Then the washing machine would calm down after it finishes the oscillations and come to a halt.

If you chose the easy way out, you will be like the torn apart clothes, a useless rug. However, if you choose to man up and face it head on, you will come out clean and smelling like a bed of roses.

In life, it's never a straight road to achieve our dream. No one has it easy. There are bound to face challenges of many kinds and if we ever chose the easy way out, it doesn't say much of a persons' character but if we face it, well the outcome might not be desired, but it will be better than giving up.

So there you have it, why I chose washing machines and no, I'm not a washing machine fanatic of sort.

On that note I will leave you with this quote I stumbled upon on the walls of a coffee shop, no shit!

'The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.'
           -Dale Turner

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Qu'osby Show

I am sure most of you have seen the mayhem happening in the middle east over the past weeks.

The "Jasmine Revolution" that is taking the middle east and many other nations by storm. Fot those who don't know what the F ! I am talking about, catch up on the news via Yahoo or pick up the papers and read.

Ok my point being, most of us have the stereotype of how middle eastern muslim are, such as this

or this

Well the list goes on..

Ok so , what are the ways to eliminate stereotypes? Here's a fact,

did you know that The Cosby Show was created to eliminate the stereotype the people had of African-Americans?

And it worked.

Here something to jog your memory

I am sure you see where I am going with this!

Why not make a Muslim version of the Cosby Show, just like what they The Daily Show ..tried to do

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - The Qu'osby Show - The Pilot
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Well a little crude but it might work!...Maybe..or there will be another riot of sort after this.

Well that's my 2 cents, if they can do that for The Cosby Show, why not The Qu'osby Show?

It might work right?

*If course The Qu'osby Show is fake, it's part of a sketch they made on The Daily Show and they ain't no racist of sort but rather if they fine tune the show, if they ever want to try such methods, it might work.

Back To Life

Well hello one and all!!

How have you all been? Yea I'm still alive and kicking and those of you who thought I was dead since the last post, think again!

Well indeed a lot have happened since my last post,

  1. Warren the Ape(scroll down) got cancelled by MTV.
  2. Singapore went through a number of floods even though we boast that our infrastructure is world's best
  3. China still put lead based product into their diary products and toys(*cough*reducing population*cough*)
  4. We no longer have to pay for "Television Tax" which is good! Have you seen the crap they have been showing/throwing/dumping on Channel 5 !? (Point of Entry, need we say more?)
  5. ...the list goes on

So my point, yea I am back to blog about stuff you might not care but rather you are here to read about Lucky's latest adventure. 

Well here's a brief update; 

Lucky smoke crack with me, she got so high, she bit my balls off. Haha..

Okok, the bit my balls off part was made up..anyway do check in from time to time for whatever I might post or reveal to you all and no, you won't find "EMO" stuff in here, I will leave that the the raging hormonal kids.

Till next time!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Warren the Ape

You guy and gals should really check this show out!!!!

Here's a brief summary of the show:

"Warren The Ape is an MTV reality show parody which premiered on June 14, 2010 at 10:30 p.m. The series is a spin-off of the IFC and FOX show Greg the Bunny, and follows the titular character's life as he tries to get his life back together following the cancellation of Greg the Bunny.

Warren has paid more attention to drugs, booze, and women than his career, which has degenerated into a series of seedy exploitation films, obscure industrials, low-rent theater productions, and a regrettable string of skin flicks. With the help of his addiction specialist, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Warren tries (and often fails) to clean up his act, patch up his relationships, and claw his way back into the Hollywood limelight."

credits:Wikipedia(what would you do without them)

Funny show although crude at times. Yea he's a puppet but that's not the point. Do watch it, great stuff.

A Preview

You can catch the full episode HERE


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well hello there once again planet earth ..or just the 5 people viewing/glancing/laughing at my blog.

There comes a time when you gotta ask yourself, man how do I make a quick buck and not get caught.

Yea you heard me, the story of "Get Rich or Die Trying" attitude. If only saying robbing a bank was as easy but here in Singapore, where can you hide? This tiny red dot is filled with cameras ( that includes the peeping toms).

When you are strap for cash, you would do anything to make some money. Even situation like this could drive me to do this:

"We need 3 people to assist in over-throwing the government, we will pay you well"

I'll say:
"Where do I sign up?"

Haha this is what happens when you have too much free time, no job yet and well with an over imaginative device inside your skull called a brain.

It either this or throwing motorvol cocktails at children playing at the playground.
You know, the cloth stuck into the bottle of petrol and when lighted up, a super flammable explosive?

Right, I'm just that crazy.