Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Qu'osby Show

I am sure most of you have seen the mayhem happening in the middle east over the past weeks.

The "Jasmine Revolution" that is taking the middle east and many other nations by storm. Fot those who don't know what the F ! I am talking about, catch up on the news via Yahoo or pick up the papers and read.

Ok my point being, most of us have the stereotype of how middle eastern muslim are, such as this

or this

Well the list goes on..

Ok so , what are the ways to eliminate stereotypes? Here's a fact,

did you know that The Cosby Show was created to eliminate the stereotype the people had of African-Americans?

And it worked.

Here something to jog your memory

I am sure you see where I am going with this!

Why not make a Muslim version of the Cosby Show, just like what they The Daily Show ..tried to do

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Well a little crude but it might work!...Maybe..or there will be another riot of sort after this.

Well that's my 2 cents, if they can do that for The Cosby Show, why not The Qu'osby Show?

It might work right?

*If course The Qu'osby Show is fake, it's part of a sketch they made on The Daily Show and they ain't no racist of sort but rather if they fine tune the show, if they ever want to try such methods, it might work.

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