What The Fuck/Fook/Fish/Faggot!!
Don't believe what you see on the papers. Yea of course you know that, when you read the paper, only bout 60% is true but today's paper brought that level down by 30%.
Check out today's(Fri) The New Paper(9 Oct 09). Check out page 13.
(Well i won't upload the picture as it will dumb down my blog 3 folds)
Who the fuck do you see. It hard to see though, he's pretty small, in every sense of the word.
The guy on the far right of the picture.
It's none other than the FHM Editor and also leader of the MA(Midget Association) David, heard that he rose to be the leader because he's the tallest among them, by a nano-meter.

It's about getting celebrities to help youths. But why is his fucking picture there? He ain't no celebrity or someone likable.
He will help youths or anyone?
The only thing he would do is to 'Promise' trouble girls to appear on FHM for a small fee of personal pleasures.
Yes, you think that midget can get any action without devious ways? I know i know there are many good midgets or small people out there but as a disclaimer, he's not.
So my theory is that he's involve to start up to get action and not helping youth or more like "Helping Dave Have Some" project.
Well we have to put a stop to this mann,
We should kidnap him and throw him in a cage in a form of cage match in a backyard.
Put him 3 rounds.
Which i think he will lose ,
1st would be against a chiwawa,

which would bite his ball bearing size balls out,
2rd, he would fight a squirrel

which would crack him open like a nut or blast him with it's bazooka.
Yea i forgot to mention that the squirrel is part of the SAF new program to train and produce super animal soldiers.
They got the idea after watching G-Force, you know the talking hamsters that can kick ass.

and for the main event would be him fighting a 5 year old kid.

Tickets would be sold at 5 bucks a person, to fund programe that David was so called helping and bribing of cops and to build the cage, well i will loan Lucky''s cage for the fight.
I wanted a 6 year old but well some would deem it unfair.
So that's the line up.
So if you want it all to happen, Give me a HELL YA!!
If i get enough hell ya reply, i will get my pillow case to capture that midget heck, i will even use a mouse trap too.
Put the link of this post on Tweeter, Facebook, MySpace or whatever that rocks your boat.
You won't be disappointed.
and yea there will be alcohol too
Haha okok enough of that and well if i really get enough replies, then I will see to what i can do :)
Again i haev nothing against small people or Midgets just the FHM Editor.
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