That's the simplest word i can use to describe my feelings to the China's 60th birthday celebration.It was awesome and freaking impressive. I was lucky enough to be able to catch it on the CCTV channels.
Man it was beyond awesome. The morning events were impressive, the army contingents and their showing off of their country's military might.
They were showing off their huge arsenal of weapons and vehicles. Pretty much made our army feel very small. However how can you compare, China holds 1/3 of the world population and bottom line they have more people and more fundings.

It was both nice to watch and impressive at the same time. Of course i was talking about the marching, what were you thinking.
To summarize the day parade, it really send shivers to my bones thinking, a country that has advanced so much over the course of 60 years, a country where products that were made in China are now made by China.
What will they be able to accomplish in another 10 , 20 years time.
Now let's talk about the night parade, woah, it really put our Singapore NDP shows to shame and i mean real shame. Our NDP looks like a joke compared to theirs. I know i know.
We hold it every year blah blah blah but the thing is, if our NDP is that important,why have commercial breaks? Even the China National Day doesn't have commercial breaks.
To see it at another light, if we don't have commercial breaks, then NDP would have no sponsors thus no show.
I have a solution of our NDP problems, hire Zhang Yimou. The famous Chinese director who did shows like Curse of the Golden Flower and directed the China's 60 National Day parade. I bet he can do a much better job than what the other sucky directors have ruin of NDP for years.
All the lousy dancers we have every year performing? Replace them with professionals or people who can dance and get the soldiers to do the impressive change of light effects and the impressive fireworks.

and 1 more thing, don't get "has-been" performers to perform again and again every year.
My 2 cents on that.
I don't hate our National Day parade but man seriously we should update our shows and really improve the quality, not everybody wants to watch it now and well it's never too late to improve.
All in all, the parade was impressive
That's all i got today.
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