Man life has really been a routine for me these days,
wake up early, rush for the train, brush shoulders with jerks, squeeze in the bus, get to school, become brain-dead in class, then revived after school ends.
Yea pretty much a simple but tedious routine.
It feels.... meaningless at times huh? I'm sure many of you know how i feel.
Moral goes down and so does happiness levels.
What do you do when the things you think are correct are actually wrong and what you should be doing is what you though was wrong.
Man, i lost touch with myself, nothing a bottle of beer won't help but i can't always rely on Mr. Heineken forever.I can't expect him to build a time machine or something of that sort. Not everyone out there can give you a direction to follow.
So well research have shown, that by working out or exercising, it will relief some of the pain or misery or stress.
The after workout feel, will release a endorphins that makes you happy. Well it's true, i tried it out just now, you feel a little more carefree than usual, feel good and look good.
What a perfect combination!
But the down side, it only last a couple of hours until reality hits back at you.
Haha i sound emo huh, well nobody can be happy forever ain't it.
Well that's life after all, nothing is scripted and nothing is what it seems.
Enough of that ,
yup today's her birthday and many returns to you!!
Here some stupid things i do during my free time.
I would sit on an office chair, put Lucky on my lap and spin round and round so fast, kinda like those G force training simulator thingy.
How do we stop spinning?
Easy, when she BITES my BALLS.
Yea kinda like an emergency button.
Yea that's kinda silly but hey, when the brain is switched off, you can do anything. The army taught us that, like PUSHING A FREAKING TANK,
yea that's possible, no kidding :)
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