That's what i can summerise for today.
It's just like a basic schedule of the day, did my work out, go crazy with Lucky, watch CSI Miami, Psych and Growing Up.
Nah, i see it as a time to rest up for the weekend or party planned this week. Yea get a good complexion and smaller eye bags.
Played a couple of games on my IPhone, wow , i'm impressed, for $0.99, you get to play freaking good game, prefect for time killing sessions.
Here's something i need to get off my chest, you know what i hate? Yea i have a lot of things i hate but this is 1 of the many.
I'm sure you have seen people type sentances like this "ILikePie" or " ILikeWatchingTv".
I know i know, i type like that too as a joke topic but not for some people i know.
They would type this on MSN, or Facebook shout out.
They invented the freaking "Space" button for a freaking reason. Use it damm it.
Wait wait, my bad, i should type way,
People like you all now falls into the "Space-Barless" People which ranks almost as high as the Singapore Idiots/Idols.
OK enough of that.
Have not post any Lucky picture for a long so here it is>

Ow ain't she cute
That's all i got today.
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