Wow the weather's crazy today, freaking madness, sure did scared Lucky. For a moment there when i looked out the window, i though was Singapore sunk underwater.
Skipped the interview to go for a better paying job, woo hoo, more moneyyy.
Met May May and went for Dim Sum buffet at Plaza Singapore. SO after our so called dinner, we chilled around the area and that's when i met this weirdo or should i say fucking pervert.
May May and i were just chilling in the shop and that pervert was taking pictures standing there. I knew there was something wrong with him as 1stly, he looks weird, 2ndly he was busy fiddling with his phone at a weird angle.
You can say i have an eye for details.
So we left the shop and he just zommed past us past the escalator down, the same way we were heading. The silly thing's that he was checking the pictures on his phone. The stupid thing was that i could see the pictures and you know what,
it was a load full pictures of gals. Not those downloaded but those he tries to take pictures of. I'm sure he have taken some of May May.
Man i lost it as he kept looking back to stare at May May but he saw my stone cold eyes staring at him and he quickly walked away to meet his mom at the food junction.
I was so pissed off, i passed May May her bag and was about to charge in to get his handphone and trash it to pieces but May May did not want to pursue the matter. Which i think was a good call and at least she don't have to waste bail money on me.
That pervert fucker like that should be jailed or caned or both or even shot.
Ok brief description of that fucker. Age 20 plus, Zero dress sense, dark skin, huge eye bags, wear berms and has a Sony Ericsson camera handphone, travels with his mom.
Last haunt is at Plaza Singapore.
Guys look after your girls,
girls look after your guys :)
sometimes the target ain't the girls, it happened to me X(
So well do look out. You been warned!!
They said it's safe in Singapore? Think again, don't believe what you read in the papers. It's just things 'they' want you to believe. I agree that we have a low crime rate as compared to other countries but don't forget we are a small nation with a small population so you can't compare the statistics.
So people, the lessons today, criminals and freaks do roam around the streets everyday. Just too many of them but always think and act smart and well maybe we could form a Justice League of something :)
Well we gotta find Batman, Superman...etc..
OK enough of that, at least May May is safe.
Anyway headed to Starbucks for some cam whoring session. Well refer to May May's blog if you wanna know more :)
Ok Lucky hour,
Lucky went for her 3rd jab today and they groom her at the same time.

"Here's my 'Disco' stick"
So here's her picture of the day, haha cute ain't it.
If your mind is a little perverted? Then the picture looks wrong, if you know what i mean.
That's all i got today.
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