I sure did,

Bloody shit, now wonder my shoes were glowing green.

Yea they had 'Da Mouth' on for the event and well in Chinese they are called, 'Da Jui Ba' or something like that but a group of Malay dudes and gals heard wrongly and shouted 'Cha Sao Bao' as in minced meat bun, haha well I joined in shouted that too.
Hey don't blame me, it was fun.
The local bands there were impressive but sad to say, nobody would listen to them if they sang their originality as people only watching them for their covers.
They opened up the dance floor on the floating platform soon after 2010 arrived and man, if there were a lot of freaking nerds and freaks there. Where all those people come from, i saw a guy there just shaking his head rapidly as if he was on drugs but well he was just being stupid.
After that, we headed to the streets to hunt for taxis.
As we were walking, this tranny or freako, imagine Kumar,our local drag queen, after being punched. That's how that tranny looks like it shouted a me in chinese, she don't like me.
First of all, I wasn't talking about her and heck I wasn't doing any hand signs on her.
What a way to welcome 2010 huh?
My first meal of 2010 you ask?
Dim Sum mann, that was one of the only place opened at that wee hours in the morning.
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