So well over the course of my disappearance, my journey took me to many places and indeed I saw a lot of things. They were selling weapons openly to kids in Singapore, Yea SINGAPORE. Here's the evidence>>>>
Haha well before any of you wanna call the cops or some secret service, it ain't a real gun. It's a freaking toy.
Damm maybe it does work when you put real 5.56mm inside the 'gun', a part of arming all Singaporean project?
Well some Lucky update, she's been under the weather these few days.
Sent to the vet and was given meds for Flu. Well it figures, hectic weather and she sleeps in the air-con room with my folks and on a comfy bed.
Well let's say she's a high flyer, promoting up the ranks so quickly.
Well my mom also concluded that the room is too cold for Lucky at times and decided to get her a top to keep her warm. Well to me dress up your pet is 1 of the dumbest thing anyone could do but it's to keep her warm so well, gotta keep my mind open.
So, this is how she looks like.
I must say, looks pretty good on her but check out the design,
Well it does keep her warm but now she just found a way to remove it herself.
Mann, why not she learn how to put it on by herself heck we might get famous for a dog who knows how to dress up.
Okok that's all for now, till next time.
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