If you did not know, LTA(ahem government) closed certain roads along Orchard on Christmas. Yea ain't that great?Until you get caught in that freaking wave of human Singaporean Jam.
It is freaking diffcult to walk forward with the amount of idiots blocking your way or walking at a snail pace as if they are tracking on a Mine Field.
Have you all ever noticed, especially on holidays and Sundays, you see weird people roaming among us and giving people like me ideas what to do with the person if we had a gun. Damm!
Which freaking cave did they come from? Heartland Malls caves? Jurong?

In case you don't know what I am talking about, here's the list,
you get the..
- Stinky ones-those who never wash their clothes or shower for days.
- Badly dressed 1-hey who wear slippers and P.Js to town?
- The "Mime" - people who will have an imaginary obstacle in-front of them which stop them from moving and blocking everyone behind.
- Snails- as mentioned and mind you, they are young people and not old folks.
The list goes on, well you can add on if you want.
Solution? This >>

Who knows what they will do next, like insects, they adapt and they will get more irritating every year if we don't do any thing.
So we should start pooling our funds for the AIPO(Anti-Irritating People Organization) and purchase that freaking Bunker Buster.
Haha well if you do not see any update in bout 4 to 5 days, please send a rescue teams in to the caves and rescue me from the clutches of the cave people.
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