Wooo.. what a fun day it has been.
Played some Wii games with May May this afternoon. Man was it fun even though we were more like competing who's better at what, kinda like a dick measuring contest. :)
Wow tried the Wii fit , wow yea it really is like a personal trainer but i did not get the full gear so well it won't be as 'fun'.
We also tried tennis, baseball, boxing and everything Wii-possible.
Then came the , i think the most interesting game, a dancing game in Raging Rabbits.
May May calls herself the Dancing Queen. Well i'm gonna be the "Dancing King" and dethrone her.
Here's how the game goes, you take the will control with the Nunchucks and move accordingly to what they prompt you so you are basically dancing.
Well too bad there were no videos of us dancing though, Phew,
We had to dance to the MJ, "ABC" song.
I must say, it was really fun, doing all those weird dance move which would seem kinda gay, but like i told May May, whatever happens, stays within thee confine of the walls around the house.
I almost dethroned her with a difference of bout 2000 points.. mann..looks like the Dancing Queen reign will carry on for a few more days until we rematch again.
Yea,we are competitive people, what's next, a peeing contest? haha
Well after that, we headed to Sakae Sushi for dinner and here's us when we are no longer competing personals. Back to loving each other again.

Haha nah we weren't really competitors, just 2 people who hate losing. :x
haha hope that makes sense.
Ok, Lucky hour,
She was scared shit-less when we left her outside alone to fight her fear of loud thunder. She was whimpering till my Dad took her to his room to sleep there.
Maybe we will get her earplugs next time.
Ok that's all i got today.
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