Wow look at the time
yea time really flies when you are busy.
Got my Dear May May to help me get ready for the exams, it really pays off to have such a smart girlfriend, free tuition :)
Man she's strict, she would use a ruler and abuse me when i get the question wrong, crazy ain't it.
haha yea of course that can't be true.
At least she's patient with me and would reward me when i get the question correct, haha in ways only you can imagine :x
Well thanks May May.
Had a huge feast at Crystal Jade with me family and wow i guess May May was overwhelm by all her favorite food all around the table. You should have seen the smile on her face.
We got Lucky some new flavored bones to munch on from the pet shop (Forgot the name) at Vivo City. Got her a new dog bowl and topped up her food supply but my dad made a fatal error.
He for reason that are not known bought 5 cans of CAT food for Lucky. Yes-siriee bob, Cat food.
However, i don't blame him though, take a look at the dog food..

The cat food ver. ->

You see it's both the same flavor and all else the same but just the animal in front is different.
Well the only ingredients that the cat ver. has are magnesium, zinc and what not. Stuff which i guess dogs' body might reject.
So well, my 2 cents, look at e label really closely for the "fine" prints.
Well don't worry, we can still exchange it.
Well that's all i got today :)
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