I finally caught the Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen,

and it is an awesome movie. The effects and fights scenes were equally as cool and the story's not too bad. The movie does feature more Autobots and Decepticons this time round which is a plus and lot's of explosion, i like, and of course every guy's favorite, Magan Fox, Me super like.Ha ba ha ba.
We were almost unabe to catch the movie today as the tickets at every cinema were almost sold out but me bro was able to get tickets at GV Yishun, the grand daddy of all GV cinema.
Not b'cos it's the biggest but it was the first Golden Village cinema to open here in Singapore and wo ..a little run down but sad to say, the spacing between seats is better than the Tampines GV. Which i think was designed by idiots or just made for very very small people. You barely get any leg room at Gv Tampines and you won't be able to feel your legs at the end of the movie. I remembered May May complaining she can't feel her ass after the movie. Ha ha. But neither could i
At least Yishun's GV is not bad.
All in all the movied rocked and the review that was on the Life paper on Wednesday i think which only gave it 1/2 a star can kiss the person's job good-bye. I guess the idiot either have had a bad day or was too short to watch the screen as all the person could see could be the person's head infront. haha
But seriousily, to only give it 1/2 a star is like telling us that the reviewer was either watching the wrong movie or was busy counting the number of popcorn that was dropped on the floor. Man i will never trust another review done by Life Newspaper, which is guess is reviewed by monkeys with a cigar in it's mouth. Gotta find a picture of that
haha ..monekys with cigars..haha.

Booya, ok i can't find a monkey puffing a cigar but this will do and here it is, the movie reviewer for life who did the piece for Transformers 2. hahaha now eat that you f**k.
OKOK enough of my rants.
After the movie May May and I went for dinner with my family and you guess it, she got her favorite dish, crabbbbb. I guess my folks do know she loves crab. I'm glad she enjoyed dinner today :)
Lucky got a new toy today,

a stuffed Gingerbread man, and she has been playing with it ever since. She really doesn't show any mercy to her toys, tossing it around with her strong jaw.

Here's Lucky after almost tearing the Gingerbread man. :) One satisfied but exhasuted pooch.
All in all it was a packed day today, went for my friend's belated Bday lunch at Dian Xiao Er, which was great, and the movie and all that.
A fruitful weekend indeed.
Well that's all i gotta blog today. :)
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