Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Slow Day
check out my new blogs colour, i hope it's easier and more attractive to read now(if anyone is reading)
Well it's indeed a freaking slow Tuesday. Staying at home doing nothing and May May 's not around. Man life like this is really boring man. Wanna go for a jog but i'm still down with the bug and well there's nothing to watch on tv.
Ha ha i'm like on a house arrest and the crime i commited is falling sick.
The highlight of the day was watching somemore funny videos and of course chatting with May May. Even we are a few millions miles apart, a simple phone calls makes me feel like you are right beside me. :)
Well i spent around 2 hours today watching funny videos but too bad May May, Youtube is banned in your country , so you won't be able to see this but guys who can see it, i hope you will like this..
Well enjoy it :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
May May
My dear May May will be gone for over a month plus.. Gonna miss her a lot.
Nevertheless,i cannot feel that down, she hasn't been home for bout 3 and a half years and well i'm sure her family is missing her dearly too :)
Anyway i 'm finding ways to spending the month of July and well i figured that i will complete the games i bought or watch funny videos like this..
Haha Andy Samberg, funny funny dude.
So well, i will only see her back in August and wow i'm a free man till then (haha)but i miss her dearly too. Haha
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Transformers 2
I finally caught the Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen,

and it is an awesome movie. The effects and fights scenes were equally as cool and the story's not too bad. The movie does feature more Autobots and Decepticons this time round which is a plus and lot's of explosion, i like, and of course every guy's favorite, Magan Fox, Me super like.Ha ba ha ba.
We were almost unabe to catch the movie today as the tickets at every cinema were almost sold out but me bro was able to get tickets at GV Yishun, the grand daddy of all GV cinema.
Not b'cos it's the biggest but it was the first Golden Village cinema to open here in Singapore and wo ..a little run down but sad to say, the spacing between seats is better than the Tampines GV. Which i think was designed by idiots or just made for very very small people. You barely get any leg room at Gv Tampines and you won't be able to feel your legs at the end of the movie. I remembered May May complaining she can't feel her ass after the movie. Ha ha. But neither could i
At least Yishun's GV is not bad.
All in all the movied rocked and the review that was on the Life paper on Wednesday i think which only gave it 1/2 a star can kiss the person's job good-bye. I guess the idiot either have had a bad day or was too short to watch the screen as all the person could see could be the person's head infront. haha
But seriousily, to only give it 1/2 a star is like telling us that the reviewer was either watching the wrong movie or was busy counting the number of popcorn that was dropped on the floor. Man i will never trust another review done by Life Newspaper, which is guess is reviewed by monkeys with a cigar in it's mouth. Gotta find a picture of that
haha ..monekys with cigars..haha.

Booya, ok i can't find a monkey puffing a cigar but this will do and here it is, the movie reviewer for life who did the piece for Transformers 2. hahaha now eat that you f**k.
OKOK enough of my rants.
After the movie May May and I went for dinner with my family and you guess it, she got her favorite dish, crabbbbb. I guess my folks do know she loves crab. I'm glad she enjoyed dinner today :)
Lucky got a new toy today,

a stuffed Gingerbread man, and she has been playing with it ever since. She really doesn't show any mercy to her toys, tossing it around with her strong jaw.

Here's Lucky after almost tearing the Gingerbread man. :) One satisfied but exhasuted pooch.
All in all it was a packed day today, went for my friend's belated Bday lunch at Dian Xiao Er, which was great, and the movie and all that.
A fruitful weekend indeed.
Well that's all i gotta blog today. :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Well May May came down to visit me again after her photo shoot. Gotta thank her man..it really made me feel better that is why i'm gonna miss her even more when she 's gone for over a month plus.
Well woke up today to find a shocking piece of news That the King of pop Micheal Jackson is gone. Man i remember listening and getting liking his songs. Well that's life right, you never know what's gonna happen next.
Well i hope i'm strong enough or healthy enough to meet May May later. Gotta get those Transformer Movie Tickets and other stuff. Here is the picture of May May new look as promised. Sexy isn't she. haha Hands off...She's MINEEEE.

Well that's all i have to blog about today.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Under the Weather Ben Ben X{
Man what a day it has been. The weather has become freaking cold as compared to the past few weeks. It has been raining non-stop for the entire day.
Went to meet May May today and 'Golly Gee', her new look is ravishing. I like her new look. I would upload the picture later. and you will be the verdict. :) Sexy
Felt under the weather today. Felt super cold and hot at the same time. Thanks to my Lovely May May for accompanying me to the doc and helping me buy dinner. Ow Love Love May May.
Lucky is as fun as ever but sad to say i can't touch her due to my illness. Don't wanna spread to the poochie.
Well that's all f or today..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
East Coast Park
Here's some pictures of the fun I had with May May at East Coast Park over the weekend :)

Ha Ha some shots May May took. Yea it's me explaining to her the sea. Ha ha

WOO.. i'm Flying

This is me telling her that size doesn't always matters haha.

A closer look of our ride. Those seat were as hard as stones.

Well you can read more bout it over at her bloggy.
Love ya May May..
Early Morning
Yawn, man i woke up early today, had lots of fun with May May last night after the fantastic dinner at the Flutes at The Fort last night at Fort Canning but i'm gonna blog bout that later. I'm waiting for May May to crop the pictures.
Anyway, man i am addicted to a new game and no, it's not on the PS3 but on facebook. It's none other than Restaurant City. Man it's addictive. Check out my Restaurant.

Wow look at it. It's amazing. I'm not talking about the shop(i know it amazing too haha :P) but the fact that May May is cooking.
Ha ha. I'm joking my lovely May. You know i love you.
And check this out..

That's right, it's none other than me. Don't you see the resemblance. Ha ha. Charming cook. haha
Well i got May May hooked on it too and well that's cool. At leaset she has something now to kill time haha :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Day for All :)
A wonderful Sunday it has been. Well i do look a little lobster like from the sun burn yesterday's cycling.
Other than that, we have a new family member in my house..
Called Lucky. Hello Lucky !!!
Ha ha well it's a She btw. It's a 3 months old Yorkshire Terrier and check it out, her birth date is on 13 March 2009 and man it's Friday the 13th. Ha ha..ar..ahem i know it might not be a big deal to some but i guess it's pretty cool to me.
Well the first thing it did when it stepped into our house was...pee..yea like marking it's territory. What a start huh? Haha
Well my mom bought some stuff like this sponge thingy that my beautiful May May here is holding on to, for Lucky to pee inside.
Ok here's how it works, 1st you gotta get the dog to pee onto the sponge or at least use the sponge to absorb the pee. Then put the 'device' in the corner and "wham" the dog will naturally pee on the device. As easy as that with no strings attached.
Rather than soaking newspaper that sinks and dirty up the whole house. Quite ingenious i must say.
That's not the only happy thing that happened today, we celebrated May May birthday a little earlier today.
Well i'm glad she's happy :) and well Happy Birthday to you :) I hope you enjoy the fantastic gift haha.
Oh Happy Happy May May :) Making a wish... haha i wonder what did she wished for?
I guess only she knows :)
Anyway that sums up what happened today.
Ben-cast Saturday
Had a great day today.
Went to East Coast Park with May May today to cycle. Ha ha, we have not cycled for years and well i must say we picked it back up quickly. We rode the couple's bike which was pretty fun while at times it seems like i'm e only one paddling while she's "flying" behind. :)
There were all sors of jerks there. People who stop their bike half way, people who don't look after their kids on the bicycle track, people who just can't ride well and hog the entire road.
Man i went through a couple of "Road Rage" . Those people really love testing my patience an di would mind punching some holes into their empty brain.
My 2 cents on the jerks at East Coast Park.
We rented it for 3 hours and we used that time to explore East Coast Park and busy cam whoring and looking for an ice cream stall(even though it was a little pricy but it tasted good)
Well it wasn't easy.. my ass really hurts from all the cycling.
Later in the evening, we went to catch the movie I Love You Man, at the Tampines Mall. Man Tampines Mall is a hard place to walk. It was freaking crowded with poeple who don't know how to give way and only knows how to block the way. Well what do you expect at a heartland mall. All sorts of Tom, Dick and Harry goes there. (not that i am saying heartland malls are bad places to go to). It's a cool place minus the f*** up people.
It's a Saturday after all.

While buying the ticket, we realised that we have watch every movie that they were showing and man have i not ever seen so many movies in 1 week.
Man the movie is awesome. It's freaking funny and so true at the same time. I'm glad that May May enjoyed it as much as i did. Really made me feel better from the exprience of meeting so many jerks today.
All in all i really had fun today with May May.
Well i will load some pictures from our ECP adventure later.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Well finally Friday has arrived and it could have come any sooner. :)
Went to Tampines One with May May just now.I must say it's pretty big and has almost everything, kinda like a mini orchard.
Nothing really fancy bout the place but i guess it's a huge leap for a heartland mall. Kinda like Jurong Point.
We dined at ..wait for it... "saycheese". Man what a Cheesy name. Get it Cheesy haha ..ahem..i guess not.
The food there is not bad..ordered the Japanese Pizza(strange). It's one of their trademarked dishes and i must say, it was tasty. One of the better pizza i had. All in all,i must say the food is good there even htough the name of the place is really cheesy in another sense, but if you are in the neighbourhood, do go and try their food.
Here's something else i wanna share, a freaking funny video from one of my favourite comedian, Adam Samberg. From his Incredibad album. Sounds familar huh?
Anyway, watch it. It might make your Friday night even more enjoyable
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ben-cast Thursday
Credit goes to my lovely May May for doing it for me :)A couple of cool pictures of me and some with May May IncrediBen. Another new nickname of mine.
A short for Incredible Ben = IncrediBen.(just in case you don't get it)
Thanks babe! love ya :)
Went to watch another movie with May May today, a total of 4 if you include Sunday. Ha ha a record so far. This time we caught Ghost of Girlfriend Past. Well nothing really that fantastic bout this show. Acting's not bad but it's just another love movie. Perfect date movie I must say. Nothing really special. Kinda forgetable movie.
Ha ha my 2 cent of the movie.
Well had a spicy dinner wif May May, met a couple of friends on the way and well yea Friday's just around the corner. Woo hoo. Finally a little break from the norm.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
10th Month Anniversary With May May :)
Today we celebrate our 10th month anniversary.. woo hoo! A special day indeed today.
Went to celebrate by having a Korean BBQ buffet at Bugis. I must say, we really stuffed ourselves today. Well even thought i am not really a fan of Korean food, but knowing that May May enjoys Korean food, is good enough for me.
I can still remember the 1st time i met her,17 August 2008, all shy and all but from then on , you have made my life brighter, fun, happier and we both fell head over heels for each other.
Next's week 's your birthday babe. Your happiness continues haha. Wait till you see what i have installed for you :)
Love Ya May May
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ben-Cast Tuesday
A pretty fine Tuesday it has been.
Went to watch Phelam 123 with May May. It was only an OK-OK show. Nothing fantastic.
The plot is a little too thin and predictable. Such a pity, had good actors in it but just nothing special bout the plot or the action.
It seems like we are on a daily movie maraton. Kinda taking a toll on our "Movie Watching" stamina and we still have a couple of movies that we want to watch.
Well happy happy, tomorrow's May May and I 's 10th month anniversary. Yea haha
Time do reall flies and i'm enjoying every single second of it.
Love ya May :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ben-Cast Monday
Went to watch Drag Me to Hell with May May today(forced). She even handcuffed me to the seat. Ha ha:)
It was as scary as they said though with it's funny moments.Strange isn't it, mixing humor with horror. Still, it got my heart beating pretty fast. I was lucky I did not scream like a girl there unlike some guys who did and there were lot's of screaming.
Some gals hid their head behind their friend's shoulder for almost the entire duration of the movie. I wonder why do they even want to watch it the first place if do not intend to watch the movie.
I'm sure May May enjoyed the movie where-else i had to go through a couple of heart attacks (haha) but for for you May May, it's worth it :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Caught Land of the Lost with May May today :)

Ha ha man it's really as hilarious as they said. I must say we literally laughed our ass off. Ha ha man i love Will Ferrell movies. A great movie to catch if you need a good laugh :)
After that we went for an early Father's Day dinner.It was a feast suitable for a King :)
Well short and sweet.. that's all that happened today and thanks May May for helping me nurse my headache today ..Love ya
Saturday, June 13, 2009

It finally rains after days and days, man i'm glad it rained even for a little.
Seems like Singapore ain't going to be a desert after all.
Well going to meet May May later..haha cool :)
Some AWEsome Clips to Share
And here's another, well this just brings 'being full of yourself' to a whole new level.
Well anyway Zoolander is an awesome and freakin' funny flick and one of May May's and my favourites.
Friday, June 12, 2009
"O" freaking "RD"
Got my pink IC and i can kiss e camp good-bye..or so i thought
Apparently my OC did not submit the required information for the 'Cert of Service' on time to them and we have to either collect it ourself from camp or they mail it to us(yea right, like they would ever do that). It just never ends i must say.
Gotta waste cab money and time just to collect something which could have been avoided. Well like they say in my company. "Welcome to BRAVES"
Well forgive me for my rants, i'm just pissed..and i am keeping it as PG as possible.
Anyway i had fun wif my May May today haha
Look at her posing with my Pink IC.
I guess she's even happier than me. :)
Sorry bout that scribble..just in case somebody wants to steal my info.
KL Trip Day 1 con't and 2
Then it was an hour drive by taxi to the hotel from the airport. When we reached the hotel and got everything that was required done to check into the room, it was already midnight.
It was a nice room with a fantastic view of the city, however the television in the room was small and we even had to pay for things like robes and slippers which other hotel would provide for free. The staffs on duty were not too sure what they were doing too. It seems like English is not something they are familiar with even though it is a hotel with occupants from many countries that uses English as a first language.
I was too tired to pursue the matter and all we wanted was to get to the room to rest.
We started our day at 0800 hours. The first thing I did was to admire the morning view. It was truly amazing view. The hills had mist overlaying them and you can start seeing the city coming to life again.
The first place we went to start our shopping adventure was at the famous KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre). It was where the highest building of Malaysia is located at. The PETRONAS Twin Towers. We were lucky enough to get 1015 hours tickets to tour the sky bridge and to learn a little history on the PETRONAS Company.
We stand 150m above sea level when we were at the Sky Bridge which was 40th story of the building. Our tour was limited to the bridge due to security concerns.
After the tour we toured around KLCC shopping centres. It was like Orchard Road in Singapore but the shopping centres here are bigger. It was the so called ‘Higher end’ kind of place which house stores like Prada and LV. The prices of the goods after conversion to Singapore dollars were almost the same. This however is not what we came for.

So we took the taxi to the famous Sungai Wang Plaza.
It really makes you appreciate the Taxi services we have in Singapore. The taxi drivers in Malaysia would not usually use the meter and would charge at a fixed price. Knowing that we are tourists, they would sometimes overcharge us. Taxi Touting in KL is a very common sight and it seems like the government do not really want to get involved to clean up their outrages acts.
Then again, I am here to enjoy and not to change the government.
The word ‘Wang’, in Sungai Wang Plaza, means money. Some fun fact.
It reminded me of Far East Plaza at Orchard Road in Singapore as the building does look somewhat alike. We spent almost 5 hours there shopping and we bought a lot of things ranging from bags to shoes. The best part of it, we each spend less than S$100. We have to be lucky to live in a country whose currency conversion is higher than some.
That was only part one of our shopping journey.
We made a little ‘Pit-Stop’ back to our hotel to put down our shopping achievements. Rested for a few hours then continue to the second part of the objective for the day.
This time, we decided to try using the monorail system. I heard it was like our Singapore MRT. The nearest station was only a 5 minutes’ walk from the hotel. That was so wrong.
The station looks run-down and it looks like the government rushed into making such a system for the people as they did not though through a lot of things. Firstly, the monorail is very very small. It like a small sardine can. It only had 2 carriage and 4 exits. The seats were place in an inconvenient position. The Malaysia government did not spend much money educating the people unlike Singapore, in allowing the passengers to alight first then board. As the people boarding would just rush into the monorail and thus trapping us inside. I had to pull my girlfriend and plow my way through them like bashing in the jungle. It seems like courtesy is not their best policy in Malaysia.
The ticket for the journey for the both of us combined was only RM1.60, which was much better than facing and getting conned by those taxi “scum’ drivers. That was the only drawback for the cheap journey.
We reached the other famous Times-Square which is one of the biggest shopping centres in Malaysia then even has an amusement park called Cosmo World inside.
When we laid eyes onto the roller coaster inside the amusement park, we knew we had to ride it. We were like adrenaline junkies who love heart-attack like fun.
Even though the amusement park was designed for kids, the roller coaster ride was no joking matter.
The ride moves at a very fast speed, pushing a lot of G force onto your body and turns you upside down, 3 times, along the course of the journey.
The other ride we took was a fulcrum like rocker called Space Attack. It would rock you up and down and spin you around so many times that would make you ask yourself, “Why did I want to sit on such a ride”.
After the rides, we left the amusement park with our wobbly legs to have our dinner. We decided to dine at a fast food restaurant called Marybrown. It was place that served chicken ride but fast food style.
Well nothing is what it seems. Everything on the menu looks so nice and the portion was a lot. However, when they served us the food, not only the portion looks small but it looks nothing like the picture in the menu. It reminded me of the Long John Silver in Singapore. The power of advertisement, I must say.
After dinner, we shopped around a little more and had to call it a day as the shops were closing and we were to tired after all the ‘adventures’ we been though.
On the way back to the hotel, we saw a lot of rundown buildings and shabby, abandon shop houses and power cables left around like nobody’s business. It reminds you of the not so prosperous part of KL compared to the city at the city centre. It reminds you of how Singapore was like in the early 70s.
The pavements were filled with sand and man-holes not properly covered. The air is bad and there were not as many trees as compared to Singapore.
On the bright side, it is a good place to shop and to have a holiday. You see things you do not see very often like an amusement park inside a shopping centre. That is crazy.
This is the second day here and we have somewhat gotten used to the culture and people here. Like they say, “man greatest ability is to adapt”.
I am excited to find out the adventure that lies ahead of me for my next few days left in the country and in just 2 days here so many things have happened.
I will have to stop writing here as I have to rest for the long journey ahead and this is only an article on my fist 2 days here,
Until next time.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What Happened Today
I must say it was freaking packed. I had to bash through the human jam wif May but at least this time it wasn't as bad as the It fair 3 months ago there. The traffic control's better this time but still, it could have been better. :)
Well i bought myself a new camera , the Canon IXUS 110 IS. It is a little pricy but i feel it is value for money and the tonnes of freebies like 2 8G memory cards, which i gave one of it to May.
(see how nice of me) haha
Well anyway that's all for today.
Have book in soon to spend the last night in camp to collect my Pink IC tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My May May

Is it me or did the earth moved closer to the Sun. It not getting and cooler here.
OK enough rant on the weather. I just got back from my camp and yes it's my last few days there before i ORD.
The 2 years have been an adventure, doing things normal people would not usually do, like capturing a small hill or even a small tiny road. Meet all sorts of people. The good ones and the bad ones. So bad till words can't describe them like not bathing or no proper hygiene.
Did stupid things like accidentally poking myself with a fork i left in my pants ( yes it sounds stupid but i have the scar to prove it) and pushing myself to the limit which i though was never possible.
And today i spent hours packing up my stuff and emptying my cupboard and man.. it's full of junk. I had to carry in total 3 bags out of the camp. Duffel bag, field pack and another 'old skool' duffel bag with some extra bags strapped on it.
Carrying and pushing it out of the camp was no joke but luckily i had my dad outside to help me transport it bag home. You would not believe how heavy and tiring it was just to drag 'em out of the camp and imgine i have to bring home all by myself Let's just say it was no fun.
Well as another chapter of my life is about to come to a close, i will not forget the friends i met, the life lessons and experiences . There are just some things you will not be able to learn outside.
So that's all for now and well until next time..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
KL Trip DAY 1 part 1
3 days 4 nights trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The last time I used such a phrase was in the army and it was always bad news as I have to sweat it all out in the jungle doing some missions like capturing a certain road or sorts.
However this time I know I am going to enjoy myself as I am not going there for a mission but to enjoy myself and pamper myself with the company of my beautiful girlfriend.
This was also the first time I am taking the budget airline, Tiger Airways, as to save money for the shopping. I always had the perception that the budget airline terminal was a small and shabby place and the plane itself small and dirty.
To my surprise, I was so wrong. The place was not as big as the newly open Singapore Terminal 3 but it was much bigger than I imagined. It has duty free shops, 7-11 and even an internet counter. It might have been one of the most colourful Airport Terminal I have ever been.
When our flight arrived, we have to walk to the plane to board. Since I am a budget airline virgin, this was very new to me. I remember when I was in Hong Kong; they even had a bus to pick us up to bring us to the plane. When I boarded the plane, it reminded me it was no Singapore Airline and it is a budget airline after all and it is value for money.
The plane is small however it was comfortable. The stewardess was very friendly but reminded me of a machine programmed to greet every passenger that boarded the plane. “Hi, welcome, may I have your boarding pass please” and it would always be the same line and tone again and again.
Our flight was slightly delayed but it finally took off at 2214hours. Then the speaker above came to life saying “This is Captain Nicolas Johnson, thank you for flying with us. The journey to Kuala Lumpur would only be around 40 minutes and I hope you will have a pleasant journey, thank you.”
The view was breath-taking. It reminded you how small Singapore really is. The view from above was magnificent as the lights from below looks like fireflies parading in the air.
My moment of enjoying the view was soon interrupted by the Safety Talk by the stewardess. One would speak while the other will do the motion to show everyone how it works. Then again the one acting the motion out seems like a machine programmed to act as it looks like she had done this for the hundred times that day.
We landed at the airport at around 2250 hours. The pilot ‘s pretty skilful as both the take off and landings were very smooth.
I'll post more pictures in my next post :)
KL Trip
having my R and R or holiday in KL, Malaysia.
So i chronicled the events theat happened, over the course of 3+1 days (it will be explained). It is a little long so i have spilt it up to a couple of parts. So enjoy the events.
Monday, June 8, 2009
World Premier Post
The experience you lived through will be somewhat meaning-less and will fade away with the memory.
Therefore, I have been enlighten by that fact and with the help and encouragement of my Beautiful girlfriend,May, the idea seem to have taken off and Volia!, my very first post on my bloggy.
I will post bout my experiences and some rants on nonsense. Might be wordly at times but bear with me as I believe writing is an art-form and give it time and you will find the beauty of wirting too.
I hope people who come visit my blog (if any) will enjoy my articles and feel free to message me haha i will not bite.
Until then..