Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday!

A Happy Good Friday to you all!! Some of you might be busy out thre now trying to find "special" eggs..laid by rabbits.

Yea so what came first, the RABBIT or the EGG? :P

Of course I do know that rabbits don't lay eggs, they pop up from ground like the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Haha

But anyway, Happy Easter to all.


I'm sure some of you have heard of Causal Fridays.

Yes, it's a say where by people in the office have the license to dress like crap for work.

Quite Frankly, some people would pretty much abused it so much that they won't mind dressing up with crappy combination of clothes and dressing that don't makes sense.

Where have the basics of casual dressing gone?

Don't they even have a freaking mirror at home?

Oh well, just my rants on the ideology of dressing up.

Anyway here a video from "How I Met Your Mother" , something related to dressing from non other than Barney Stinson himself.



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