Woke up a little later but still took my time grooming up and all. Yea had to put my blushers and all. Haha yea sometimes it's just like impossible ain't it.
AHem..ar.. ok enough of that gay talk but yea I do take while to get groom up, as I always believe
You feel good when you look good.
Then when I'm about to leave the house, Lucky would bite onto my jeans and not let go.
Imagine a metal ball chained to your feet and you are trying to move. Well it's something like that but just not that heavy.
I knew I was late so i called my back-up, my very own 'Stalker', Annie.
Shared a cab but my hands were always on the door handle just in case she planned to kill me or abandon me at some industrial park.
Phew we got there on time and rushed to class and i must add, in 1 piece.
I gotta Thank her for offering the taxi ride otherwise I would be really late, so don't say I'm Heartless.
Yea so that's what happens in the morning in my life, yea I know it ain't no blockbuster movie kinda of thing like cars blowing up or something. It's Singapore, not Iraq.

Annie saw us all stressed out with work and decided to cheer us up by buying Kinder Bueno.
How sweet of her~~
If you do not know what it is, it's a chocolate with a surprise toy inside.
See the line up.
We were playing like Small Kids.
Mine you ask?
It's the Lion, far left of the picture.
How do you play with that toy?
You just blow, yea blow it.
No kidding.
I will leave it up to you all to decipher what it means.
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