Monday, March 21, 2011

Are They All Linked?

Some of you must be wondering;

        'Why did I choose the Washing Machines as the background for my blog?'

Simple, as poetic as it may sound, it somewhat mirrors a person's life at a certain period of time. Before you think I am crazy, read on before you judge me. haha

In this scenario, our lives are represented by the clothes or materials inside the machine.

When washing machine start to operate,  it will first start up nice and easy, just like how we begin anything new in life. Be it a relationship, where everything is all nice and dandy. It's the " I can't let you go" period or be it starting a new job.

After the washing machine have warmed up, it will go all out all, spinning in rapid oscillations.

This is when life gets messy, relationship goes south, fights happen, you cannot stand the sight of your other half. Your life is in the whirlwind and sometimes, shit happened, thoughts like death seems like the only way out comes to mind.

Then the washing machine would calm down after it finishes the oscillations and come to a halt.

If you chose the easy way out, you will be like the torn apart clothes, a useless rug. However, if you choose to man up and face it head on, you will come out clean and smelling like a bed of roses.

In life, it's never a straight road to achieve our dream. No one has it easy. There are bound to face challenges of many kinds and if we ever chose the easy way out, it doesn't say much of a persons' character but if we face it, well the outcome might not be desired, but it will be better than giving up.

So there you have it, why I chose washing machines and no, I'm not a washing machine fanatic of sort.

On that note I will leave you with this quote I stumbled upon on the walls of a coffee shop, no shit!

'The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.'
           -Dale Turner